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Hints On Working as A Team

  1. Read all the questions first before entering an answer.

  2. Discuss and decide on the best ways of finding the correct answer. Sometimes a team member will know or be able to think of the correct answer. Sometimes the answer will be in a book in the library, or found by using a search engine on the internet. (Make sure you don’t accidentally log off the ScienceIQ site when you use the internet.)

  3. Share the questions amongst the four team members. Make sure each question has at least 2 people independently working on the answer. Set deadlines and team meeting times. (eg. Meet back here in 10 minutes. Then we will decide which questions need more team time.)

  4. Meet as a team to discuss and compare your answers. Make sure the team members responsible can explain each answer.

  5. Nominate a team member to enter the answers into the site. Be careful! Correct spelling counts and do not accidentally put in two spaces between words or spaces in front of words.

  6. After your team has finished and you have your scores, evaluate your team’s problem solving processes. For example, which team member was the best at the scrambled word questions or who am I questions or the chemistry questions etc? Who was the fastest skimmer and scanner? Who used the internet search engines most effectively? How will you use this information to work more quickly and accurately next time?
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